David H Thomas - Fotos e imágenes - Fotógrafo de Sandwich, Kent, EUROPE, Reino Unido | fotocommunityPerfil de David H Thomas - fotógrafo David H Thomas de Sandwich, Kent, EUROPE, Reino Unido [fc-user:1293113]
Dear David
Thanks very much for paying attention to my gallery.Lingering with pleasure in your gallery I noticed that many of your beautiful pictures run parallel to mines with reference not only in subjects but also in technique. I liked especially your landscapes and the good use of contrast.Presently I don't have enough time for photography but I'm doing my best!
friendly regards alexander
Peter Leigh 26/03/2024 17:40
Thank you David for your recent comments much appreciated. It was your photo of the end of coal special that prompted me to post the three imageshensken 04/09/2023 19:02
Danke für deinen comentar zu meinem Foto. lg henskenmhensken 04/07/2023 14:33
Danke für deine Anmerkung zu meinem Foto. lg henskenFernando Anzani 27/06/2023 19:12
Thank you very much for your beautiful and competent comment, very welcome. Ciao. Fernando.Prospettiva.
Fernando AnzaniFernando Anzani 27/06/2023 15:34
Vielen dank. Per la visita e il graditissimo commento. Molto gentile. Ciao. Fernando.Venti di primavera.
Fernando Anzanimichael lieb 27/06/2023 13:19
Thanks David, cheers Michaelhensken 18/06/2023 16:21
Danke für deinen Kommentar zu meinem Foto. lg henskenalexander stefanatos 21/03/2023 8:12
Dear DavidThanks very much for paying attention to my gallery.Lingering with pleasure in your gallery I noticed that many of your beautiful pictures run parallel to mines with reference not only in subjects but also in technique. I liked especially your landscapes and the good use of contrast.Presently I don't have enough time for photography but I'm doing my best!
friendly regards alexander
Jürgen Bekemeier 20/12/2022 15:12
David, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar zur "Ponte". Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut!TieflandStrolch 17/12/2022 15:32
Thank you for the comment for my "unvisible jet"!TLStr
hensken 22/11/2022 13:56
Danke für deinen comentar zu meinen Foto. lg. henskenUwe Eschstruth 21/11/2022 9:10
Many thanks four your comment.Regards Uwe
Allan Karzel 24/08/2022 16:23
Thank you your comment.Regards, Allan
Madi19 09/08/2022 18:16
Thank you your comment.Best Regards Micha
hensken 05/08/2022 15:31
Danke für deinen comentar zu meinem Foto. lg. hensken