Dmitry Zhamkoff - Fotos e imágenes - Fotógrafo de St Petersburg | fotocommunityPerfil de Dmitry Zhamkoff - fotógrafo Dmitry Zhamkoff de St Petersburg [fc-user:1041044] - I am wizard joke :-) I am professional designer and PR expert
I am professional designer and PR expert (Direktor of advertising corporation).
For shooting, I use only Canon equipment, below the brief list:
Canon EOS5D
Dear Dmitry,
I wish you a merry Christmas and a very healthful and happy new year 2009. Thanks for your friendship and nice comments on my pictures.
I hope we can continue our friendship and share our pictures also in 2009.
Best regards, Gert
Giovanni Bonnerarte 27/04/2012 23:16
...bist gut!Giovanni
Canan Oner 12/12/2010 22:29
Canan Oner 09/12/2008 2:05
Gert van der Flier 03/12/2008 18:19
Dear Dmitry,I wish you a merry Christmas and a very healthful and happy new year 2009. Thanks for your friendship and nice comments on my pictures.
I hope we can continue our friendship and share our pictures also in 2009.
Best regards, Gert
Jürgen Cron 09/01/2008 23:45
Auch dir Dmitry vielen Dank für die Begleitung meiner Fotos in den Zwei Jahren ! Und für deine Stimmen imVoting:-)
Lieben Gruß, Jürgen..
true colours 24/12/2007 2:04
Canan Oner 11/12/2007 13:37
Gert van der Flier 08/12/2007 20:52
Francesco Margarita 08/12/2007 15:36
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
Francesco MargaritaMarry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
francesco margarita
Alfred Spectrum 10/11/2007 2:12
Hi Dmitry,Thanks so much for your support in voting for my picture!
Best regards, and a great weekend,
Norwegian Dawn (reload)
Alfred Spectrumaw masry 05/11/2007 7:36
Hi Dear FriendThanks so much for your vote. I was really appreciated.
Best regards - aw masry
Vesela Maleeva 28/10/2007 23:42
Hi Dmitry,Thank you for your support, without which
"Red moon flower" would not have made it.
red moon flower
Vesela MaleevaVes
Claire L. 28/10/2007 15:51
Canan Oner 25/10/2007 16:29
Thanks a lot Dmitry..Best wishes,
Maria João Arcanjo 23/10/2007 12:33
Thank you so much my Friend.Beijinhos from Hungary