Linda Herbert

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Hello Everyone,

I really enjoy seeing all the wonderful talented photograhers around the world. I'm literally blown away by some of the most AMAZING photos that I have ever seen here on Fotocommunity. Many thanks for keeping me humble and letting me see through your eyes.

Great images have a power that resonates with all of us. They communicate silently to our hearts and minds. I believe photography has changed more in the past 5 years than in the past 150. It's important to accept these changes and adapt them , but equally important not to sacrifice some of the time and space you need to wonder, explore, discover, and create. Cameras and printers today are far better than ever before. But it's not the camera that takes great pictures! It's you - the photographer!

For all of us who have been given the talent to see what others may have missed...Enjoy each moment and share your gift with those who will take it, for we, the photographers are "the keepers of time."

Linda Herbert Photographer/ Artist/Handcolorist

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