Maria Mylona - Fotos e imágenes - Fotógrafa de Amsterdam, Niederlande | fotocommunityPerfil de Maria Mylona - fotógrafa Maria Mylona de Amsterdam, Niederlande [fc-user:755078] - I have been part of Fotocommunity for some time but not act
I have been part of Fotocommunity for some time but not active the past years.
If you wish to contact me you are always welcome to send me a private message.
Thanks Maria for all Your nice comments on my photographs.
I’am proud that my image CitySCENE (below) has been recommended for the Gallery by Bertold Klammer.
Maybe I can also obtain my FIRST star in the Gallery thanks You (or Your friends) and if You want.
Everyone can vote this image on this moment (within 24 hours) on
Presently being voted for:
Dalibor Stojanovic 02/07/2015 21:12
Very Nice...........End I wish you all the best........Aydin Yener 22/11/2011 1:20
nice galleryChristiane B 11/03/2010 8:37
Vielen Dank ..LG Christiane
Alexandru Valentin Iedu 25/12/2009 12:22
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!All the best for 2010
Your sincerely,
Robert Riley 24/12/2009 13:24
Duomo, Citta Di Perugia
Robert RileyVery Happy Christmas Maria!
Jürgen Cron 22/12/2009 18:21
Maria I wish you and your Family a Merry Chrismas and a happy New Year. And all the best for 2010 !!best regards,
Inez Correia Marques 21/12/2009 21:20
Have a wonderful festive season my dear Maria
Deryck 20/12/2009 14:08
Hi MariaThank you for your card.
May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year
Canan Oner 20/12/2009 14:06
Wish you all the best...Canan
J e n n i f e r E. 16/12/2009 13:28
Thank you very much for your comment!!! =)Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 02/11/2009 19:32
Ciao carissima Maria, thank you very so much for voting on my photo. All the best...EmirMary Manson 08/08/2009 13:24
I am a freak, a weirdo, stupid and bad!!! and sad!Christiane B 12/07/2009 8:27
ganz ganz lieben dank für deine anmerkung :-)freut mich sehr wenn es dir gefällt
lieber Gruss
John Willems 21/05/2009 4:32
PRESENTLY BEING VOTEDThanks Maria for all Your nice comments on my photographs.
I’am proud that my image CitySCENE (below) has been recommended for the Gallery by Bertold Klammer.
Maybe I can also obtain my FIRST star in the Gallery thanks You (or Your friends) and if You want.
Everyone can vote this image on this moment (within 24 hours) on
Presently being voted for:
John Willems/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Thanks again to everyone from John Willems.
bernardo braccini 12/04/2009 6:42
bernardo braccini