Sobre mi
Hi everyone,
Let's me introduce myself :-) My name is Marzena and I live in the north of Poland and I'm a teacher and a lecturer.
Photography is my new passion but I'm an absolute beginner, so I would be very grateful for all your comments, especially the constructive ones and advices how to take better photos.
I'd like to share my views with other people who are interested in photography and who see things invisible for other people.
It would be a pleasure to see your photos and share my opinions with you.
Best greetings for all of you,
Let's me introduce myself :-) My name is Marzena and I live in the north of Poland and I'm a teacher and a lecturer.
Photography is my new passion but I'm an absolute beginner, so I would be very grateful for all your comments, especially the constructive ones and advices how to take better photos.
I'd like to share my views with other people who are interested in photography and who see things invisible for other people.
It would be a pleasure to see your photos and share my opinions with you.
Best greetings for all of you,
Tad Kanazaki 02/01/2011 3:08
Happy New Year 2011
Tad KanazakiTad Kanazaki 14/12/2010 5:08
Tad KanazakiKrzysztof Krzemien 02/01/2010 16:22
Happy New Year :))Janusz Wa 14/03/2009 14:36
bardzo ladne zdjecia !!!!!pozdrawiamArsulane 12/03/2009 23:16
Danke für deine Anmerkung zu meinen Bildern.Ich wünsche dir immer wieder gutes Licht!
LG Arsulane
Arsulanedworek 06/03/2009 9:19
witam..witam..wirtualny swiat nie pozwoli na zniknac..fajnie,ze jestes.Pozdr..............Tad Kanazaki 27/11/2008 1:55
Thank you for your comment on my picture.Regards from Tokyo Japan,Tad.
For YOU-2
Tad KanazakiLothar Borchert 25/11/2008 16:16
witaj w FCPozdrawiam z Germany
anjahexe 11/11/2008 9:28
Dzien dobry pani Marzenko:* jak milo,ze znajduje tutaj coraz wiecej Polakow...cieszy mnie to...zaraz mykam poogladac pani Galerie...pozdrawiam serdecznie AnkaPawel Majewski 03/10/2008 19:14
Czesc,Milo, ze odwiedzilas moja galerie. Ciesze sie, ze podobaja Ci sie moje zdjecia. Odnosnie tego nizej, to nie bylo zadnej zabawy w PS. Po prostu zwykly przypadek i odkrylem, ze wystarczy na dluzszym czasie przesuwac aparatem aby otrzymac taki efekt ruchu :) Zreszta jestem zdecydowanym przeciwnikiem bawienia sie ze zdjeciami w PS. Publikuje wylacznie zdjecia takie jakie zrobil aparat. Choc nie powiem, jest tutaj wielu mistrzow cyfrowej obrobki i maja piekne zdjecia.
Pawel MajewskiKrzysztof Krzemien 19/08/2008 7:41
Dzieki :)Laura Destro 16/07/2008 20:52
Grazie mille ...Ciao....diepe64 16/07/2008 1:35
Hi Marcena. Thanks for you comment for my Vancouver-Panorama. Greetings from Canada: PeterWolfgang Ikert 27/06/2008 10:28
Thanks for Your nice words about my picture and welcome in this community.Greetings
Andrea Sagawe 31/05/2008 19:53
Thank you very much for your comment to my photo.Very appreciated.
You asked me for advise to your photos.
I don't think you need it.
Your photos are all wonderful and very creative.
Really excellent work!!