Sobre mi

I am 57 years old and live in Sweden. I have painted and photographed
since I was a teenager- beside my ordinary work. I have a son who is 5 years now, so painting can wait-no time. The camera is quicker (1/60s)?? Color composition I like very much.

Comentarios 5

  • Stefan P 6455 31/08/2014 15:54

    Just saw your picture "Old houses in winter" from 29.03.2013. I love this view. The appartment where I spent twice ten days with my wive in May 2013 and March 2014 lies in Södermalm on Bastugaten.

    Brings back memories and pleaseant anticipaiton as we will bethere again "på andra dag påsk 2015, min födelsedag". You see I try to lern Swedish ;-)

    You can also visit my site on FC: Stefan P 6455. I started with some picture from the most beautiful city in Europe.

  • Dragomir Vukovic 22/06/2012 8:14

    And you are so Welcome to this FC.
    Thank you sharing your photo vision.
    Dragomir ~ Special Channel Manager
  • Adele D. Oliver 22/06/2012 1:40

    Hello and welcome ! Great to see that you joined our big family. I am sure you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the pictures of other members. I wish you lots of new friends and much fun and always "good light"!!
    greetings from Vancouver,
    Adele - Nature Channel Manager
  • misan1 21/06/2012 22:00

    Thank you
  • Jürgen Teute 21/06/2012 20:34


    VG von der Küste ... juergen
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