Rodrigo Epstein

Free Account, Mexico City

Sobre mi

I’m professional photographer. Born in Mexico City the 3rd of November 1965. At 42, I’ve been enjoying photography since I was 8 years old.
My father was a big enthusiast so I learned a lot from him and always managed to sneak and grab his Olympus OM-1; quite a gem.
At about the age of 11, my father was so tired of me using his gear that he got me my own OM-1. Later on I got me an OM-2, an OM-10, an OM-3 and my last Olympus the OM-4T. Since this early age I was reading everything related to photography that I could get my hands on.
I began photographing insects and experimenting with strobe lights on a dark room. By the age of 16, being a bit more independent, I discovered Landscape Photography. My sister had a beautiful condo in Vail, Colorado; I used to go up there, especially on summers and spend entire days shooting landscape with my Olympus gear. My workhorse was an 18mm Zuiko lens and polarizer filters.
Many years later, when I was about 25 years old and friends began to get married I decided to give them a very nice framed picture of them at their ceremony. It seemed to be a much better gift than a “blender”. At the time I was working for a brokerage firm and doing quite well, although my real PASION remained behind the camera.
These pictures that I was taking and giving as wedding gifts were coming out so good that friends and acquaintances began to ask me if I could do the whole “picture-thing” for their wedding. Sinced I loved it so much, I was doing it for free, and, of course, I was doing it the way I WANTED and came natural.
I was surprised to see that my very own personal approach was having great acceptance. It didn’t take me too long to give up my “finance career” to focus entirely on this ART I love so much.
When I made this decision I knew I was going to need faster gear; specially concerning auto focus. I discovered the amazing Nikon N90 and the whole Nikon System. I’m now a very happy full time professional wedding photographer.

Comentarios 1

  • Andy Pomplun 25/08/2008 9:16

    Welcome to!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
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