Sobre mi

Born in Liverpool England, moving to Africa at the young age of ten, always had an interest in photography and eventually studied Graphics/Photography obtaining a City and Guilds Diploma in Graphic Reproduction.
Spent 25 years in the then named country Rhodesia before transfering to Cape Town South Africa were I have lived since 1983
First "decent" camera was a Yashica twin lens reflex, moving on to a
Pentax ME Super.
Canon EOS 300,
Canon EOS 500 cameras followed.
Went digital with a Canon 10D
Canon 20D
Canon 400D
Canon 135MM USM
Sigma 15-30 mm AF EX Aspherical IF
Canon EF 100-400 L IS USM
Canon EF 200MM F 2.8 USM
Canon EF 15 mm F/2.8 Fish Eye
Sigma 24 - 70 MM F/2.8 DG Macro

Have a passion for the wilds of Southern Africa

Thank you for viewing my photographs


I Am An African

I am an African
Not because I was born there
But because my heart beats with Africa’s
I am an African
Not because my skin is black
But because my mind is engaged by Africa
I am an African
Not because I live on its soil
But because my soul is at home in Africa

When Africa weeps for her children
My cheeks are stained with tears
When Africa honours her elders
My head is bowed in respect
When Africa mourns for her victims
My hands are joined in prayer
When Africa celebrates her triumphs
My feet are alive with dancing

I am an African
For her blue skies take my breath away
And my hope for the future is bright
I am an African
For her people greet me as family
And teach me the meaning of community
I am an African
For her wildness quenches my spirit
And brings me closer to the source of life

When the music of Africa beats in the wind
My blood pulses to its rhythm
And I become the essence of music
When the colours of Africa dazzle in the sun
My senses drink in its rainbow
And I become the palette of nature
When the stories of Africa echo round the fire
My feet walk in its pathways
And I become the footprints of history

I am an African
Because she is the cradle of our birth
And nurtures an ancient wisdom
I am an African
Because she lives in the world’s shadow
And bursts with a radiant luminosity
I am an African
Because she is the land of tomorrow
And I recognise her gifts as sacred

Comentarios 37

  • Lisa Holl 03/08/2007 18:17

    Dear Steve !
    I´m really happy about your appreciating comments. Thank you so much. Looking forward to see your new uploads.
    Best regards from a big south africa fan
  • M-o-n-j-a 29/07/2007 14:27

    Hi Steve,
    great pics - looking forward seeing more of your works!

  • Ulrike H 24/07/2007 16:47

    Hi Steve
    thanks for your comment!
    Please show us more uf your pics and the spirit of africa!
    Thanks and Greetings,
    beautiful day
    beautiful day
    Ulrike H

  • Tamara Trejo 16/07/2007 7:38

    Nice work, beautiful poem about Africa. TT

  • Michael Henderson 12/07/2007 18:28

    Thank Steve for taking the time to view and comment on my foto. I appreciate it very much.
    Una más cerveza por favor
    Una más cerveza por favor
    Michael Henderson

  • Jacqueline Chay 10/07/2007 10:44

    Hey Steve, Thanks for your comment on I have posted the exposure details under the pic for you.
    You have some fantastic pics in your profile.
    Regards from Australia
  • Brittania 07/07/2007 20:15

    Excuses pour cette erreur, en effet, Paul Kruger se trouve debout au centre, avec 1 burger à chacun des 4 coins. Merci d'avoir corriger.
    Monsieur Paul Kruger
    Monsieur Paul Kruger
  • Beppo Niedermeier (Focuswelten) 05/07/2007 18:05

    Hi Steve!
    Thanks for Your remarks to my pictures! But You show some very excellent pictures - especially Street Live!
    I just returned from Capetown - but this time we did some work on youth criminals, on street children and we visited the youngsters in Pollsmoore!
    But Your country has so many beautiful places - we will return next year!

  • Ed Kay 04/07/2007 22:13

    comments on sail away with me just a polarizer ,redhancer and tabacco filters then noise reduction in ps
  • Elli Nast 04/07/2007 9:14

    Wonderful pictures!

    Why you just show them on your webpage? I would like to see some of them in the FC-Galerie...

  • Jürgen Cirko 04/07/2007 9:02

    Hi Steve,

    I wanna thank you for your comments on my pictures.
    You've got some great shots on your homepage, so I'll keep an eye on it...
  • Marc Erpelding 04/07/2007 8:09

    Thanks Steve!

    Had a look at your homepage previously...stunning work! Especially your close-up portraits are wonderful (I focused on them as I like to picture people, your nature and animal pics are great as well;-))

    Take care.

    P.S. Will monitor your work more closely.
  • Radosveta Popova 30/06/2007 15:04

    Hi Steve,
    thank you for your comments and attention! That means a lot !
    Good luck and best wishes!
  • Ellen Spinnler 30/06/2007 12:00

    I am realy looking forward to see more of your pictures.
    greetings. Ellen
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