Roland Göhre

Premium (Pro), Bottrop

Comentarios 7

  • Pentaxian 10/04/2023 21:21

    Da werden Erinnerungen wach....sehr schöne Aufnahme
    Gruß Peter
  • GrauTag 09/04/2023 17:05

    Sehr edel diese Tonwerte...
  • MarkusHildebrandt 06/04/2023 18:53

    Besonderes gelungene SW Landschaft mit vielen schönen Details! Gruß Markus
  • I_play 04/04/2023 16:05

    you're spoiling me. put a few ugly ones every now and then, otherwise people get used to it and you'll pay for it later. (scherzo) (ciao amico mio molto bella anche questa)
    • Roland Göhre 05/04/2023 11:13

      We will be in Scotland soon. At least we will be able to take some pictures with ugly weather. :-))
      Saluti R
    • I_play 05/04/2023 17:38

      guarda che a pennabilli tutto il paese ti sta aspettando. Anche il sindaco mi chiede di te. Io ho cercato di calmarlo.
  • Peter Redl 04/04/2023 14:00

    Beeindruckend schönes monochromes Landschaftsbild. Gruß, Peter