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Free Account, worpswede

kids having fun

THREE happy kids -- all ca. 2-3 years old -- incl. my son Ben -- having big fun on a slide under the shade of some trees out the back yard of the cresh (in Bremen).

For me, a hard shot to take, due to the multiple patches of very bright sun getting through the trees (even still at ca 5pm), the kids moving fast & all over the place (but never in front of my lense!), my inexperience & poor use of the cam.* (not fully focussed, over-exp., etc.), etc.

This is the best of some 20 shots taken on this scene. But i still love it: it makes me laught when i see how really happy they are.

Hope it has a positive effect on you too?

*Taken -- as ever -- on my NIKON D40X with the "big" kit lense, the 18-135 mm, at 80 mm (35 mm eq.: 120 mm). Cam. settings: 1/40 s, f/6.3, ISO: 200 (too high, i guess?). No filter (would UV help "dim" the glare?). No tripod.

Post-processing (very little) by PICASA v3.


Your feedback (Deutsch or English) most welcome


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