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Rock of Cashel&Ireland

Rock of Cashel&Ireland

3.077 4

Comentarios 4

  • wholecry 07/09/2010 12:51

    You are really lucky in Ireland to have such a beautiful countryside and magnificent castles ;-) Would be almost a sin not to take pictures there!
  • Berthold Klammer 26/02/2010 23:00

    Yes, well seen - good realisation!
    regards Berthold
  • Marcus Kirchhoff 26/02/2010 14:35

    very great photo with a top sharpness.
    I've never been in Ireland but it must be great there.
    LG Marcus
  • Gothicman 24/02/2010 15:10

    strangely these old castles...
    in Ireland it must be very beautiful...