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 The Man Behind the Religious Church Miracles

The Man Behind the Religious Church Miracles

1.535 5

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Man Behind the Religious Church Miracles

I could not help but smile and think of the wizard of Oz then the dog Toto leads the Tin Man, Dorothy , and company to the curtain where the wizard says,"Do not look behind that curtain, I am the powerful Wizard of OZ". Religio has a way of pulling things off. With an old Electric box with pot heads one can amplify the lights over and Christ figure or mary in the church at the given cue. When the day is done, he climbs back into his coffin like so many do.

Comentarios 5

  • Janos Gardonyi 18/07/2016 20:50

    I see your point, but none of your commentators do. How easily can people be fooled by pranksters and charlatans taking advantage of peoples' fears and superstitions. The miracles however have been real and proven over centuries. Great shot, Glenn, as always. best. janos
  • Sue Thompson 17/07/2016 8:35

    Beelieve it or not, but I hve never sen that film... I know the story of course but........
    A great piture with good tones and details.

  • JOKIST 16/07/2016 21:25

    Da fehlen uns die Worte... !

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Carlo.Pollaci 16/07/2016 19:50

    Magnificent white-black.
    Kind regards,
  • rschaefer 16/07/2016 18:22

    Your thoughts made me smile :)
    I love the movie and watched it about a 100 times.
    Great pic.
    Greetings, Rebecca