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The Unconscious Daily Life

The Unconscious Daily Life

2.102 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Unconscious Daily Life

There can never be enough, and there can always be a need to strive for change. But when the dog you try to help bites you. D we not wonder why and try harder to help. Humanitarian efforts are something like a fly having a temper tantrum trying to pass through the invisible barrier. It can see but then again it cannot. What is truly evident is that people suffer for a reason, and we as people accept this because we are told to, and therefore we cannot begin to comprehend the truth. While these people suffer for daily existence, The few that are wealthy are fortunate to feast at the same table and plan more ventures for more power at the expense of patriotism. Religion is just a blanket of glass allowing us to be like the fly unable to get to a greener pasture to find out dreams. Poverty was invented so one cold have more privileges than the other at one's expense.

Comentarios 7

  • Eddy Meurs 23/02/2014 12:20

    Great photo,very nice.This look superb.Gr.eddy
  • Adele D. Oliver 23/02/2014 0:28

    her face marked by years of hard life and possible suffering, but she also looks strong .... excellent your portrait and very philosphical your words ..
    greetings, Adele
  • adriana lissandrini 22/02/2014 22:53

    is terribly sad and hopeless your analysis Glenn, for the most part you're right
    powerful image that screams suffering
  • Dü49 22/02/2014 22:42

    What a look!?
    What a face full of history!?
    Great pic.
    Best wishes
  • Lene Thomsen 22/02/2014 18:03

    Life's hard work can be seen in this face - excellent description of the woman Glenn :-)

  • mario valentini 22/02/2014 16:31

    Beautiful photo,and black white,I like it.
  • Dieter K 22/02/2014 9:24

    Great picture, impressive scene and woman!