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Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (7)

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (7)

3.349 25

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (7)

Wéris is a megalithic site in the south of Belgium and is known as the ‘Belgian Stonehenge’.

Of course it can not really be compared to with the very impressive Stonehenge monument in the UK, but there are quite some many interesting prehistoric relics, graves and monuments to be seen.

Scientists even think that, in the prehistorical Bronze Age, Wéris might well has been one of the most important megalithic centers on the European continent.


A kilometer beyond the Southern dolmen, stand these 3 Oppagne menhirs, under an old plum tree.
They are made of puddingstone, like the dolmens. The tallest stone is 2,4 meters tall.

You can see white ribbons hanging in the plum tree.
This is an ancient tradition.

The ribbons are hung by some local residents hoping to cure one or another disease.
According to superstition, you may not remove these ribbons. If you do it, you will get 'guaranteed' the ailment attached to the ribbon.......

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (1)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (1)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (2)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (2)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (3)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (3)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (4)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (4)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (5)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (5)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (6)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (6)
Mark Billiau.

Comentarios 25

  • Lawson McCulloch 30/08/2014 11:29

    I love the colours in this fine image Mark. I am enjoying this series very much.
  • Mirjam Burer 29/08/2014 17:10

    impressive Mark...with great greens and it looks as if there are diamonds hidden in the huge stones...because of the light..
    lg, Mirjam
  • † Ushie Farkas 27/08/2014 2:04

  • Wolfgang Bazer 26/08/2014 20:44

    Sehr interessant und gut fotografiert! Die ganze Serie erinnert mich an die Bretagne...
    LG Wolfgang
  • Josef Kainz 26/08/2014 20:39

    Ein sehr schön gezeigtes Bild
    vg josef
  • Adele D. Oliver 26/08/2014 20:24

    there are a lot more stones than I expected - this view again very interesting and beautiful with the cornfields and evening sky .... and amazing that the old tradition of hanging the ribbons is still kept up !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Markus 4 26/08/2014 19:32

    Mich fasziniert der Standort inmitten des Maisfeldes
  • K.-H.Schulz 26/08/2014 18:21

    das sind sehr gut fotografierte steine
  • Brigitte Hoffmann 26/08/2014 17:58

    Deine Serie von Stonehenge ist hoch interessant. Du präsentierst sie uns mit Superfotos und einem guten Text. Danke für diese Duku, Mark!
    Salut Brigitte
  • catweazle99-Tierfotografie 26/08/2014 16:42

    wieder eine erstklassige Aufnahme von Dir von den ehrwürdigen Steinen
    lg K.-Heinz
  • Gerlinde Gottschalk 26/08/2014 16:19

    Wunderschön, eine Aufnahme die begeistert, Licht, Farben und Bildqualität sind vom Feinsten.
  • Sylvia Schulz 26/08/2014 16:11

    eine sehenswerte Serie, da kann man mal sehen, das Belgien großartige Highlight hat, da braucht es gar nicht bis nach England zu gehen
    LG Sylvia
  • Alfred Schultz 26/08/2014 15:05

    I would rather
    "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree".

    - An interesting Stonehenge-series.
    Greetings - A.
  • aline64 26/08/2014 12:33

    un beau reportage sur ce site si célèbre, bravo à toi
  • Sigrid E 26/08/2014 11:15

    Ein Liebespaar und ein Außenseiter :-)